Join Coldwater Lobster Association

Fishermen Working Together For A Better Future

The lobster fishery that our grandfathers once knew has long since passed and while there are some similarities, and maybe even ‘passed down’ fishing grounds, today’s lobsterman is faced with many more challenges and threats to their industry’s future. Coldwater Lobster Association (CLA) recognizes that fisheries management is constantly changing and presents us with new challenges every day. As fishermen, we build our businesses and strive for success, yet, we are faced with challenges that are often out of our control including disruptions to our traditional export markets and regulatory constraints, which often lead to policy changes and create uncertainty around fisheries management. Not everything in this ‘story’ is new but the pace of change feels faster than ever as we are faced with new regulations for ‘whale safe’ fishing gear, issues surrounding traditional bait sources, increased Marine Protected Areas, etc.; Knowing where to turn for leadership and guidance can make all the difference.

At CLA, we encourage our members to share their ideas and suggestions to maintain a prosperous lobster fishery while following sustainable practices. CLA delivers a level of excellence and expertise that is innovative, industry-leading, and always focused on a shared vision of success. That is the ‘Coldwater Promise’.

By joining Coldwater Lobster Association, you are adding your name to the long list of fishermen who recognize the need for change. Community-based, fisheries co-management is a concept that is achievable with a strong, united voice. The voice of inshore fishermen, backed by a credible Association who continues to demonstrate leadership, is privy to the issues of today, and knows how to navigate the political constraints placed upon our industry, is the only approach to protecting the interests of our inshore fleet. CLA strives to:

  • represent a collective industry-led voice;
  • participate in ocean science research initiatives and innovation projects; and
  • lead the way in managing the lobster fishery in Southwest Nova Scotia to ensure the sustainability of the resource for generations to come.

Membership provides you with the opportunity to stay informed about fishery and ocean related issues, by making valuable business contacts, and by being a part of influencing government and public policy issues, which help to protect and enhance the sustainability of the inshore lobster industry in Southwestern Nova Scotia. CLA is currently developing a long-term strategic plan to better serve our members and the communities they live and work in.


Strong Voice

Join now to become part of a progressive and respected fishermen’s association whose mandate is to ensure a safe, sustainable and prosperous fishery in LFA 34.

LFA 34
License Holder Membership

Membership is valid for one year – (April 1 – March 31)

Annual Fee: $521.74

HST: $78.26

Total Fees: $600.00

*Membership dues are discounted for new members. Contact the office for details on how to receive this discount.

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LFA 35, Crewman & Associate Organization Membership

Membership is valid for one year – (April 1 – March 31)

Annual Fee: $325.22 + HST ($48.78) 

Total Fees: $374.00

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Coldwater Lobster Association ensures transparent and accountable use of membership funds, promotes fairness and objectivity in decision-making with our membership, and supports integrity and mutual respect in our partnerships with industry leaders and scientific researchers.